Hell Joseon – 헬조선

Suneung - the day that sets the course of the lives of many young Koreans. An almost unbearable pressure to perform in the South Korean education system. How much longer?

Life in times of Corona #4

Why are customers becoming more aggressive these days when it comes to Covid-19 rules and what are the implications for employees?

Next stop: Switzerland?

How does Se A Park 박세아 always manage to inspire her compatriots to come to Switzerland? And how the travel behavior of Koreans might change after Covid.

A man stands his ground

What is traditional hanbok all about and how does the Korean designer Hyunsung Moon 문현승 want to combine tradition and modernity?

The Red Angels of Seoul

When you walk through the streets of Seoul, you can't miss them. They wear a conspicuous red uniform and know the answer to almost every question.